Socks for Cold Feet

Safe solution for Cold Feet

So... you are careful with your diet, try to balance your meals, you exercise regularly, but your feet seem to stay cold, no matter what you do. Sound familiar?

Your feet are cold because the circulation to your feet and toes is restricted somehow, causing a lack or reduced flow of fresh oxygenated blood to your extremities.

Well, Good News! There is a Safe, Natural solution to help increase the Circulation in your feet.


Some Common Causes of Cold Feet!

Some named medical conditions, like Chilblains, Multiple Sclerosis, Peripheral Neuropathy, Raynaud's Disease, vitamin imbalances and even some heart conditions, are possible causes for your feet being cold.

My mother loves your socks. She is not one to exaggerate so when she said the socks kept her feet warmer, I have a tendency to believe her.
Samantha J. Ireland.


Graphene Socks Help warm Cold Feet!

Far Infrared socks have been shown to increase micro-circulation in the small capillaries in your toes and feet. Better circulation = warmer feet.

So, what does the infrared energy from the socks actually do? The natural FIR rays from the bio-ceramics fused into the thread activates and "energizes" each individual cell. The cells start to "vibrate" or "dance" with a little more enthusiasm. As the cellular activity (metabolism) increases, the temperature of the cells increase and your feet feel warmer.


 Get Tender Fit Socks Now >>

All you have to do is wear Graphene FIR socks on a consistent basis and you will notice a difference in the overall warmth in your feet and toes. How simple is that?

I received my order and am pleasantly surprised. They do exactly as you promised.
Regards Richard G. UK


FREE Tips to help Reduce Cold Feet

  1. Wash your feet, at least once a day, to help remove clammy perspiration.
  2. Regular exercise, like walking, helps to improve the circulation in your toes.
  3. Drink plenty of fresh water to aid the circulatory system.
  4. Reduce your sugar and alcohol intake.
  5. Correcting vitamin deficiencies - if any (check with your doctor for this).
  6. Wear a fresh, clean pair of Graphene Far Infrared Socks every day to help improve the circulation in your feet.

Shop for TENDER FIT Graphene Socks