Heel Fissures
"What is a Heel Fissure?
Heel Fissures, also known as "cracked heels", are just that... cracks in your heels. Minor cracks are not normally a problem, but the can get worse if not looked after. When the cracks get deeper, they can actually split open, bleed and become infected.
What causes a Heel Fissure?
Common causes of heel fissures include:
- Wearing open-backed flat shoes that allow the heel skin and tissues to flatten out
- Being overweight causes the heel fat and skin is to be displace
- Dry climates in winter
- Hereditary genetics
- Dehydration of the cells and tissues
- Overuse of diuretics
- Blocked sweat glands
- Diabetes
- Callus buildup on heels
- Kidney Disease
- Malnutrition
- Sub Par Thyroid Function
Heal that Heel pain!
Just by wearing the Infrared Socks, your pain and suffering will be eased. FIR energy helps to relieve pain caused by heel fissures.
Graphene FIR Socks are very helpful in promoting circulation to your feet. Increased circulation will help to repair damaged cells and tissues in your heel cracks.
If you do have open cracks, clean your feet thoroughly and wear Graphene natural Far Infrared energy emitting Socks. The bio-ceramics in the sock fibers have been very effective in reducing heel pain and inflammation.
Graphene Socks are an invasive treatment and certainly a safe, effective treatment for your heel fissures. No Prescription needed!
Therapeutic Far Infrared "TENDER FIT" Graphene Socks help relieve pain and promote circulation
Reduce bacterial infections from Heel Cracks
Another great advantage of wearing Graphene Socks is that they help to retard bacteria. Bacteria in soils, public parks and swimming pools can easily find their way into your cracked, split heels creating secondary infections. FIR has been shown to reduce bacterial infections.
Depending on the severity of the fissure, cracks, and possible infections, healing, mending tissue and smoothing heels may take longer for some. Graphene Far Infrared Socks do help to speed up this healing process and get you back in action faster than not wearing them.
Graphene FIR Energy Socks can be used as bed socks, are classy enough to wear like dress socks, and are an easy way to keep your feet healthier.
FREE Tips To Ease Your Cracked Heels:
- Wear shoes that have a back and a heel cup. The heel cup in the shoe will help to restore the shape of your heel.
- Soak your feet in warm water to soften the heel cracks.
- If the fissures are not open and sore, massage in a antibacterial skin softener and then put on our Graphene Far Infrared Socks and wear them to bed.
- Check with your doctor to see if you have Athlete's Foot. Athlete's Foot can contribute to heel fissures.
- Drink plenty of fresh water to hydrate your cell. Dehydrated cells can start to shrink and then crack.
- Avoid going barefoot.
- Lose weight - if you are obese - to take the stress off your feet.
- Wear a fresh, clean pair of Graphene Far Infrared Socks to stimulate natural healing and heel cell rejuvenation.